Planning and delivering a successful Brexit program

It is considerably less costly and risky to use ‘models’ to predict the future than shift an entire organisation and then wait, monitor and respond to the result.

The additonal uncertainties in both timing and operational outcomes from the UK-EU negotiations make modelling an imperative.

Brexit programs need to begin with a Brexit Impact Analysis – and then use this as the foundation for one or more scenario models.

We have used our Brexit knowledge and Strategy Execution experience to develop templates to make this quicker and easier.


Use Brexit generic and sector specific questions and framework for a quick start
Continually evolve the model as:

  • more information becomes available;
  • we refine the assumptions made;
  • we respond to competitors and operating environment;
  • we redefine the criticality of the task (strict focus on the mission critical requirements)


Here is a model that we developed to test the apporach and logic with a snapshot taken in June 2020:

SBX 2020


Note that this model includes the assumption of a transition – or ‘implementation’ – period.

Find the full ‘storyboard’ here – and use the ‘Contact Us’ button on the menu bar for further information or request a call back.