Europartnership is a management consultancy delivering high quality services to clients with the goal of improving organisational performance. This includes consulting services, software implementation and training in all aspects of Corporate Performance Management and Strategy Execution.
If you are a CEO, CFO or Manager wishing to implement a structured approach to performance improvement, follow the links to discover more about our Corporate Performance Management programmes.
Performance Driven Management (PDM)
We have a robust and proven approach to strategy setting and planning adopte by lcoal and central govermment organisations ‘Performance Driven Management’ (PDM). The PDM process takes teams from ‘WHAT’ they need to do into ‘HOW’ they will achieve it…read more about Performance Driven Management (PDM)
The ‘balance’ in a Balanced Scorecard comes from integrating performance measures and indicators that impact the outcome with those that reflecting the outcome in focus…read more about Balanced Scorecard
Business Process Re-engineering / BPR
As expectations rise with no let up in targeting and relentless pressure on cost intensifying, managers need to be able to deliver and evidence continuously improving service performance. To do this, the need is for agility – moving to processes and systems that are flexible and adaptable to better meet changing demands….read more about Business Process Re-engineering / BPR
Orderly change underpins achievement of vision and corporate goals required of national and local government bodies. Successful change depends on identifying and responding to the factors that support or inhibit change…read more about Change Management
As TQM has evolved into EFQM and ISO 9002, global leaders have adopted an approach to driving change and improving performance. We have been instrumental in a transfer of learning across industry sectors and delivering continuous improvement…read more about Continuous Improvement
An introduction to a practical learning by doing approach using simulation to visualise the changes needed to break through to continuous improvement. Investing in people using simulation has the huge advantage that they learn in a way which relates to their own jobs….read more about Management Development
Project & Programme Management
Our roots are in Project Management and we have been responsible for delivering many challenging and mission critical projects successfully. We can apply or coach Project Management techniques throughout the project lifecycle, from the earliest stages of project definition through implementation and into operational stages. We have recognised testing expertise spanning techincal and regulatory requirements in the banking sector…read more about Project & Programme Management
No matter what the size of your organisation, ensuring that staff are trained to their highest potential is crucial to success. This applies individual development and group working across the whole organisation… more about Organisational Development