SAP release integrated Enterprise Performance Management within their software solution

SAP® Strategy Management addresses today’s “top requirement” identified by executives and senior managers. Successful enterprises manage in a state of flux: refining strategies to introduce new and improve existing product and service offerings whilst continually optimizing business processes and workforce productivity.

The key questions for SAP were: how can we better enable strategies and plans to be carried out effectively and in a timely way; and how can we give executives a clear view of achievements, issues and results?

Most businesses face a gap between strategy and execution – and the challenge is profound and widespread. The most common reasons include:

employees don’t fully understand the organizational strategy and, therefore, don’t recognize how their decisions impact other parts of the organization;
employee incentive systems are seldom linked to organizational strategy, so individuals’ personal goals are not aligned with those of the company;
management systems don’t empower employees to make decisions independently;
there is no systematic approach or tool linking strategic objectives to budgeting, planning, and reporting processes;
there is no mechanism for capturing or sharing best practices across the company – processes must constantly be reinvented.
These issues cannot be addressed by providing easier access to financial data – or by widespread use of disparate indicators and other reporting metrics.

Neither does historical data forewarn on critical factors such as employee morale, customer satisfaction, and product quality. Numbers often have no real meaning to employees making day-to-day decisions, prioritizing work and allocating resources.

Executives and managers need reliable current and contextual forward looking information to determine the right strategies and where to deploy personnel and budgets.

Strategy must be communicated in detail across the enterprise – in ways that relate to individual employees’ department and role. This is now seen as important as having the tools to execute properly on a day-to-day basis.

SAP Strategy Management (SSM) is an easy to deploy solution. The software empowers business users at all levels to communicate, monitor and ensure execution of strategies. It frees IT from standalone reporting systems – and enables a shared, real-time, single version of the corporate truth. SSM is an integrated module within the SAP Enterprise solution using the SAP standard interface for a familiar look and feel for managers and executives.

Europartnership have World Class experience in successful implementations of Enterprise Performance Management.

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