Europartnership’s Training Business Partner – UNICOM – is host to the World Conference on Next Generation Testing

8-11 July 2013:  Bangalore

UNICOM’s Next Generation Testing Conference has been the most successful and widely acknowledged gathering of Software Testing Professionals in 2013.  Previous Conferences took place in London, Amsterdam, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, New Delhi, Colombo and Singapore. With some 275 attendees participating it once again proved to be a highly informative and innovative event for software testers and stream leads.

Link to WCCNGT

Europartnership was represented by John Shuttleworth delivering a paper on 11 July entitiled:  Using Balanced Scorecards to set and implement successful Test Strategies.

To request a copy of the Europartnership slides – please use the Contact Us page on this website.

Europartnership White Paper “Using Balanced SCorecard Thinking to set Test Strategies”

Conference White Paper:  “Summary of Presentations and Findings – Leadership Steam”